GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation


Allow us to inform you that Reading and Writing of Pupils 2018 is being carried out under the patronage of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences with its registered office at Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, and hereby we declare all personal data that are being processed by us are considered strictly confidential and they are treated in compliance with valid regulations in the field of personal data protection.

Due to the fact we intend for the cooperation to be to the benefit of both sides and also in conformity with current legislation, we attach an informational document concerning personal data processing further down below. At the Institute of Sociology, we are well aware of the important of the personal data protection which we currently protect in the accordance with the law number 101/2000 assemblage considering personal data protection and other legal regulations. From this point on, this activity will be continued in compliance with the requirements resulting from the ordinance of European Parliament and Council of the European Union number 2016/679 from 27th April 2016 dne 27. dubna 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on 25th May 2018. In connection with the implementation of GDPR in the educational sector, we presume to recommend to follow also the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports where you can become familiar with the methodology and more relevant information.   

1. What does "panel research" mean?

​Panel research, sometimes also called longitudinal research, is typical of its repetitive observation (including persons in this case) and they are repeated in two and more time periods. Panel data can be obtain:

a) via questionnaire survey which is executed by trained research assistants either by personal telephone interview or by paper or web based questionnaires.

b) by performing personal interviews with the respondents during which prepared script is used. During the interview, audio recording is usually taken and subsequently transcribed and analyzed.

Research is either conducted by us alone or in cooperation with other institutions; well-known research agencies. We thorougly choose the ones which are in a Partnership of Agencies for the Market Research and Public Opinion (SIMAR). All the research activity, including personal data processing, takes place in compliance with the ethical codex of ICC/ESOMAR and internal guidelines of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

2. What kind of personal data do we need?

Personal data is information which concerns particular identified person or which can directly or indirectly lead to their identification. Only vitally essential information are gathered. Data which we have to our disposal are needed for the preservation of the current panel and continuation in research. The second reason for gathering personal informarion and keeping it is our interest for preservation the quality of the data and some administrative acts. The subject of the processing are following categories of personal data:

a) sociodemographic information (e.g. age, gender or education of a respondents) are gained from questionnaires. Its processing is indispensable for conducting analyses.

b) contact information  - name, address, phone number or email which we have to update in each stage of our research. For the purposes of data processing, we need to know the date of birth of each child. This information is never to be merged with the name of particular child. Each child, whose parents will give out the consent to participate on the study, will be assigned name code under which it is being kept in the records during the whole study. Therefore, there the code of the child and its name never appear in the research archive together.

c) interview recordings in case of an interview. During the dataset creation and data analysis, the contact information and recording are being stored separately.

3. Why do we gather personal information?

Our type of work is elaboratin on parents and children in the school context and publishing the findings in the summarizing manner. All personal information gathering has a clear purpose and it is performed only on the basis of given consent of each respondent or their legal representative (in case of a child). However, even interviewied child is informed about an option not to agree to participate on the research. We state three main reasons for personal information gathering. The research purposes are mainly recruitment of respondents for interview, data analysis and recordings, methodology of the research and the option of the statistical processing of the research results. Another motive is the data quality control, respondents contact information are being processed along with the recordings thanks to which we are able to find out if the interview/questionnaire is under ways in a correct manner. Finally, there is also the matter of paying out a reward for the research participation, which is processed based on the contract which is signed by the respondent.

Personal information can be accessed by the authorized employeed of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences who are taking part in this particular research (see section Contact) and inquirers of the collaborating research agency which is bounded by the contract not to provide any personal information or information about the person with which the interview was conducted to the third side, and also the agency is not entitled to use the personal information for another purpose than stated in the contract with the contract owner's (meaning our) purpose. In case of the questionnaire/depth interview, some information might be reached also by the people who transcribe the recordings.
Respondents are informed about this fact in advance and everyone who will get in contact with the data are legally binded to use the data solely for the research purpose of the research team of the stud Reading and Writing of Pupils 2018 and personal information which are included in the study are forbidden to be proccessed.

4. In which way and for how long do we store the personal information?

The Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences thorougly protects personal information. Personal data processing is done manually as well as within electronic informational systems which are subordinated to the physical, technical and procedural control. Within the bounds of our research work, we are trying to restrict handing the personal information over, and so we hardly ever pass these data on, and we make sure they are anonymized. Contact information and recordings of the respondents stay in the Institute of Sociology and the access to them is limited only to authorized personel. These data will be stored for five years since the end of the project. In case of stating respondent' contact for the purpose of subsequent contacting and feedback or for the case of conducting next stage of the research (which depends on the financial support and might be a matter of change), we keep this contact for period of ten years. After the expiration of the established period of time, the study's documents containing personal information will be irretrievably destroyed.

5. Everyone has a right to change their opinion...

Every single person, on which we gather the personal information, has a right to know which kind of information we gather and for what purpose. A person, which gave consent to personal information processing, has a right to take it back. It is important to know retracting the consent has no impact on personal data processing which took place in the time when the consent was in effect. If the respondent finds out or assumes that personal information processing is performed in conflict with private or personal life protection or in conflict with legal regulations, or that any of their processed personal information are not correct or complete, they have a right to ask for an explanation and demand from us to eliminate such state, meaning correction, restriction or deletion of personal information. If someone has a feeling their data are being treated in a wrong way, they have a right to approach Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciencer or directly the

abychom odstranili takto vzniklý stav, tj. opravu, omezení nebo výmaz osobních údajů. Pokud má někdo pocit, že s jeho údaji je zacházeno nesprávně, má právo se obrátit na SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. či přímo na The Office for Personal Data Protection. If we are unable to prove there are serious reasons for processing of the information, we must stop using it. In case a respondent of our research study Reading and Writing of Pupils 2018 wants to apply any of their rights, they are welcome to contact: Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, PhD., Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA) SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. (Jilská 1, 110 Praha 1, phone number +420 210 310 231, email:

In case you demand any further information and specification, please, do not hesitate to contact us by an email: