The name of the project: Prediction of school failure/success in the field of literacy of pupils
Aims: The focus is to create tool predicting failure/success in the field of literacy of pupils on the first level of the elementary school which would allow to identify psychological or social-pedagogical intervention. The aims are 1) develop quick screening test to predict later risk of failure during the transition to second level of elementary school based on testing at the very beginning of school attendance, so the pupil could be sent for elaborate testing, 2) evaluare predictive validity of the test, 3) present the tool and the results of the study to professionals in the pedagogical-psychological field in a form of workshops, 4) describe the relationship between early literacy and later school performance.
Keywords: family, social inequalities, education
Duration: 2020 - 2023
Main researcher: PhDr. Magdaléna Gorčíková, Ph.D.
Members of researcher's team: Mgr. Věra Patočková, M.A., Ph.D., PhDr. Martin Vávra, Ph.D., Mgr. Martin Spurný, PhDr. Daniel Čermák, Ph.D., PhDr. Jiří Šafr, Ph.D.
The name of the project: Kulturní zdroje rodiny: vliv na gramotnost, akumulaci kulturního kapitálu dítěte a na výsledky ve vzdělávání
Aims: Project focuses on the process of inter-generational cultural reproduction. It aims of heterogeinity of culture sources of the family and their influence on literacy development, accumulation of cultural capital of the child and the consequences for school success. Family cultural sources are multidimensional concept involving different types of cultural capital of parents, approach towards upbringing and available educational sources. Not all, however, increase the likelyhood of school success of the child. Moreover, their effect is often indirect, interconnected and cumulative in time. Observed activities among parents are the ones: stimulating cognitive skills, literacy and culture competencies of the children. Main focus is to evaluate the effect of cultural sources in intergenerational reproduction of inequalities with the emphasis on causal interpretation of the process.
Keywords: family, social inequalities, education
Duration: 2020 - 2022
Main researcher: PhDr. Jiří Šafr, Ph.D.
Members of researcher's team: PhDr. Magdaléna Gorčíková, Ph.D., prof. PhDr. Dana Hamplová, PhD.
The name of the key activity in the project: The development and adaptation of the measuring tools (cognitive abilities and literacy, cultural sources)
Aims: During the study, adaptation and validization of several shortened psychometric tools measuring cognitive abilities and literacy will take place. The study of several literacy tests will be based on the data already collected from an ongoing panel study focusing on the development of an early literacy of pupils which consists of interviews with pupils on elementary schools and newly also interviews with their parents. Measurement using tests of cognitive abilities will be used within the study. Two versions of shortened measurement tool for adults and children will be created. The usage of such longitudinal data will allow to verify the attributes of the tools thanks to repetitive and paralel measurement in the dyad parent-child. Creating short questionnaire tools measuring cognitive abilities and literacy, which is completely missing in the Czech context, is highly desireable because indicators of literacy and cognitive skills of children and adults are vital predictors of trajectories of life, and they are, of course, beneficial for researching other topics as well. Another goal is measuring tools of cultural sources, meaning cultural participation, taste, upbringing and generally literacy milieu in the context of literacy abilities of pupils.
Keywords: cognitive abilities and literacy, pupils, elementary school, parents, cultural activities
Duration: 2017– 2020
Main researcher: Jindřich Krejčí
Members of researcher's team: Magdaléna Gorčíková, Jiří Šafr, Marie Pospíšilová (Dlouhá), Michaela Kudrnáčová
Part of the project: Operační program Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání, Výzva č. 02_16_013 pro Výzkumné infrastruktury v prioritní ose 1 OP
Registration number of the project: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796